5 Steps to Age Gracefully with be well company
10 Ideas to Repurpose our Glass Jars & Bottles
the Skincare Chef
Creating delicious recipes to feed the belly is one thing, creating delicious recipes to feed the skin is another. Or is it......
Applying the same principals I studied and applied to reverse my multiple sclerosis with real whole food, I applied to my skincare and it has proven to be pure magic. Leaving behind the chemical laden conventional beauty products that once lined my bathroom shelves, now replaced with clean, organic, food grade skincare products that have my skin healthier than it has ever been.
I designed be well skincare products by creating recipes to feed the skin and work synergistically together becoming force multipliers when combined. My recipes keep you and your health first with every recipe I create, bypassing all fillers, emulsifiers, preservatives and every other nasty that fills most beauty products today.
How does the beauty industry get away with loading their products with known toxins you ask? Because our beauty industry is basically the wild wild west with zero regulations. Companies can say and do as they wish, and yes, even lie to us.
Once I discovered this simple yet shocking reality we live in, I set out to create safe clean skin food I could trust while delivering even better results.
be well skincare aims to have every ingredient listed on our labels recognizable to our customers, zero googling required. If you recognize an ingredient as food, so will your body, it's that simple. When we consume food our body actually has several filters; however, with skincare there are no filters because once it's applied to our skin it goes directly into our bloodstream.
What can I make for you today?
Love & be well,
founder/ShEO/the Skincare Chef
Why I Stopped Coloring My Hair
be well Launches Industry Changing Natural Deodorant
This is the first natural deodorant to combine a probiotic blend with essential oils
Why your skincare should have plant-based enzymes and not acids
If you're looking to brighten, smooth and tone your skin, opt for natural fruit enzyme skincare over acids that can be damaging.
be well Award Winning Natural Deodorant
Six Easy Winter Skincare Tips
A Staggering 44 Deodorants You Said Failed You! Is yours on the list?
We polled approximately 500 of you on which natural deodorants you have tried and failed you. A total of 44 brands were reported, now that may sound ludicrous, but we certainly believe you, as every single natural deodorant we tried failed us too.
Is Handcrafted a Dying Industry?
I just think being more conscious and mindful of our purchases, where they are made, by whom, and why is really important before bringing into your home.