The Be Well Blog

Why We Choose Cold-Process Bar Soaps

Why We Choose Cold-Process Bar Soaps

We make our own bar soap because we wanted to control the ingredients.

Soap 101: When lye water is added to oils it goes through a chemical reaction called saponification. No lye remains in the final product. Soap can not be made without this process.

Pitfalls in conventional soaps: unlisted ingredients, toxic ingredients, fragrance oils, and artificial colors. Many homemade soaps contain fragrance oils and pigment colors. I wanted pure clean delicious soap. 

There are 3 basic types of soap making: melt + pour, cold process, and hot process.

Melt + pour is a pre made base you can buy, melt, and add colorants and scents, you can not control the ingredients, Most natural soaps we found are being made like this. Benefit, you don’t have to work with lye and no cure time.

Cold process is working with ingredients at room temperature mostly, making your own lye water, going through the saponification process. Benefit, the ability to add therapeutic grade essential oils, fresh juices and purees.

Hot process starts out the same as the cold but you heat it for several hours before pouring it into molds. You can not use fresh juices or purees or essential oils. Benefit, cure time is only a few days.

We chose to make cold-process soap. We simply wanted to control all the ingredients, add freshly pressed juices, coconut milk, and use essential oils. The downside of cold processed soap....there is a 4-6 week cure time, so patience is a must!

Labeling of soap is very regulated and important, but let's save that for another day.

Shop our cold process organic bar soaps HERE. Happy lathering!

Love + Be Well,

by Natalie