Natural Sunscreen

We get asked a lot about natural sunscreen, what we use and what we recommend. This is a very personal choice for sure, so we thought it best to share our view on natural sunscreen by sharing some articles that share the same beliefs as us. As always, we encourage you to do your own research and make your own decision.

We try to practice safe sun exposure daily and seek shade when outside for long periods of time. The benefits of the sun on our skin for 20 mins per day are a catalyst to numerous health benefits. The way peoples lives are structured today, most people do not get enough sun exposure. So keep this in mind as you develop your own safe sunscreen plan.

As you read through the links and recipes, please note, almost all ingredients used in Be Well products have natural SPF properties. That was not an accident!

Now, remember there are always exceptions to every rule! There will be times you may need a sunscreen, so we have included those resources here as well. 

Hope this helps!


Strategies for optimal sun safety

Homemade sunscreen 

Homemade sunscreen

EWG's Sunscreen Guide & Recommendations