As the air turns crisp and the humidity drops, your skin might crave some extra care. Here's a soothing recipe from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that harnesses the natural benefits of pears for hydration and nourishment making it the perfect glow food.

  1. Pears:
    • Hydration: Pears have a high water content, which helps in hydrating the skin from within.
    • Vitamins: They contain vitamins C and K, which are essential for skin health. Vitamin C is involved in collagen production, which helps maintain skin elasticity and youthfulness. Vitamin K can help in reducing dark circles and healing bruises.
    • Antioxidants: Pears have antioxidant properties that combat free radicals, potentially reducing skin aging.
  2. Goji Berries:
    • Antioxidants: They are rich in antioxidants, particularly carotenoids like zeaxanthin, which protect the skin from UV light and environmental stressors.
    • Vitamin A: Good for skin repair and helps in keeping the skin soft and reducing wrinkles.
    • Amino Acids: These can aid in hydration and improve skin complexion.
  3. Jujubes (Red Dates):
    • Blood Circulation: They are known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for enriching and replenishing blood, which can lead to better skin health by improving circulation and thus the nourishment of skin cells.
    • Anti-inflammatory: Jujubes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing skin redness and swelling.
  4. Cinnamon:
    • Blood Sugar Regulation: By helping regulate blood sugar, cinnamon can indirectly benefit skin health since high blood sugar levels can lead to skin issues like acne or dullness.
    • Antimicrobial: Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, which could help with skin infections or acne.
    • Circulation: It can stimulate blood flow to the skin, giving a warm glow.
  5. Honey:
    • Moisturizing: Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it helps to retain moisture in the skin.
    • Antibacterial: Its antibacterial properties make it excellent for acne prevention and treatment.
    • Healing: Honey has wound-healing properties, which can be beneficial for skin regeneration and repair.

When these ingredients are combined in a soup:


  • Synergy: The combination works synergistically to enhance skin hydration, improve elasticity, provide antioxidant protection, and promote healing and rejuvenation.
  • Digestion: Cooking these ingredients together, especially the pears, makes the nutrients more bioavailable and easier to digest, allowing your body to absorb the skin-benefiting nutrients more effectively.
  • Warming Effects: In TCM, many of these ingredients are considered 'warming,' which doesn't necessarily mean they raise body temperature but rather they promote circulation and health in a way that can lead to radiant skin.

The holistic approach of this soup not only targets skin health but also contributes to overall well-being, which in turn reflects on your skin's appearance. Remember, while these foods have beneficial properties, skin health is also significantly influenced by overall diet, hydration, sleep, and skincare routine.


  • 1 Asian pear, for its cooling and lung-nourishing properties
  • 3 jujube dates, to enrich the blood and alleviate stress
  • A small handful of goji berries, for a radiant complexion and immune support

 How To:

  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Wash the pear thoroughly, then cut it into quarters or smaller pieces, removing the core if desired. There's no need to peel the pear as the skin adds to the nutritional value.
  2. Cooking:
    • Place the pear pieces, jujube dates, and goji berries into a pot.
    • Add enough water to cover the ingredients.
    • Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer for about 15 minutes. Cooking the pear makes it gentler on your digestive system.
    • Optional cinnamon sticks
  3. Finishing Touches:
    • Once cooked, you can lightly sweeten the soup with a drizzle of honey for taste. Add just a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors.
  4. Serve:
    • Enjoy warm. You can eat all the solid ingredients along with the flavorful broth.


This simple, heartwarming soup not only warms you up but also promotes skin health and overall well-being during the cooler months. Relish this comforting treat as part of your seasonal self-care routine! 
Love + Eat Well